That's's back to school time around here! I love
Back to School Time as a Kindergarten teacher. I love school supply shopping, and I love getting my classroom just right before the 1st day. I do not, however, love the alarm clock. Ouch! The kids have done pretty well this week getting back in a routine. We always take a photo outside the school during this week. It's fun to look back to see how much they've grown.

This week both kids had homework assignments to share about themselves. They both had to bring items that would fit in a brown paper bag.
Our Boy's Assignment was based on a story that they read in class...which I can't remember right now. The 3rd graders had to bring items in to share based on the following guidelines:
A memory from long ago: a photo of him with his EJ in a wagon frame
A memory that makes you laugh: an image of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books
A warm memory: a greeting card from his birthday
A sad memory: one of his stuffed animal dogs that is missing an eye
A memory that is more precious than gold: a photo of our family on a trip to Disney
Our Girl had to bring an item for her 1st Grade Brag Bag that would tell about herself. She chose her Wishing Star from when we ate at Cinderella's Castle and a photo at Disney too!