Sunday, February 28, 2010
Conversations with Our Girl
1. I asked our girl to clean her room because we had a guest coming from out-of-town (Mrs. Lisa). So...she went in her room for a short time, and then emerged into the family room. Here's our conversation:
Me: "Is your room clean?"
Our Girl: "There's some stuff under the table, but no body's going to step on that stuff."
Me: "Let's go check it out." I saw stuff under the table, and I saw Barbie arms and legs peeking out from under her curtains. I lifted up the curtains, and I saw lots of Barbies and two pairs of shoes.
Me: "Did you put this stuff under here?"
Our Girl: "I didn't think you'd see that."
Me: "If you keep your house like this when you're grown, nobody will come to visit you if you live in a junk hole."
Our Girl: "I'm not going to live in a junk hole. My husband and my baby are going to help me clean my house."
Me: "My baby doesn't help me clean my house."
Our Girl: "Well, I'm going to train mine!"
2. One day last week I wore a pink sweater with a black tank under it. I wore khaki slacks and black boots. On the way out the door for school, our girl asked me..."Don't you want to go put on some black pants?" When I asked why, she responded saying, "Well, you have on that black shirt and boots, and those pants don't match." Sigh-"Get in the car."
3. Our girl likes to "wrestle" with her daddy. This weekend they were "wrestling" and she told him..."Daddy, Now it's time for my evil tricks."
I'm telling just NEVER know!!
Friday, February 19, 2010 that you??
You go and buy new spring fabric of course!
Don't you just LOVE it??? I sure do!
So...I'm thinking of making 2 new spring dresses for our girl. I bought 2 new patterns too. The pattern on the left has a dress with contrasting fabric at the neck and bottom. I'm thinking of the blue with brown scrolls for the main fabric with the pink diamonds as the accent. For the pattern on the right, I'm thinking of the the pattern that is shown in purple on the packaging. I'll use funky floral fabric for it.
Can't wait to get started...I'll keep you posted!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
How to make a snow angel
Both the kids liked making snow angels...I mean really...who doesn't like making snow angels? Here's our boy making his angel....get ready for pure excitement!
Here's our girl making her angel...more of a play-by-play commentary for her. I think she's looking for her own TV show!
"And that's how I did it. That's the end of my show today."
What do you get a 7 year old boy for his birthday?
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Daddy & Daughter Dance
Friday, February 5, 2010
Valentine Box
Valentine Box--check!

Pen behind ear ready to help address Valentine cards--check!