
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Back to "Normal"

This week the kids and I are back in school. So...we're back to a "normal" school schedule. Goodbye sleeping late (or at least 8am). Hello waking up at way-too-early-hours.

Today our school invited all of the parents to eat breakfast with the kids at school. Hubby is off work on Wednesdays so...he got up early to come eat with the kids. Here are some pics of the kids after breakfast before they went to class. Both kids told their daddy that they wanted to walk to class by themselves--so independent! Hubby was sad not to be needed...he talked them in to letting him walk them to the door of their classrooms.

Our house is getting back to "normal" too. The furniture is starting to move back in place.
Here's the breakfast area with the curtains.

Here's the family room:
Family room looking into breakfast area:


Mom of One and Another on the Way said...

Looks great!!!
Happy Back to school to you and your family!

L Rukes said...

House looks great! Enjoy the start of a new year! And when you get a chance...ask the admins why school starts so freggin early anyway?? Can't it start at like 8am??