Tonight was Open House for our son, and I don't think I know a cuter Kindergartner! Hubby said that our boy wasn't sure about going, but he loved it when he got there! Hubby also said there are 2 cute girls who sit near our boy, and our boy couldn't keep his eyes off of them! Oh me... His teacher is our good family we're working on calling her by her last name rather than her first name like he's done since he was talking! It was Open House for me too--right across the hall from our son's class. So, tonight I introduced myself as a Kindergarten parent as well as a Kindergarten teacher-wow!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Thoughts for the Day
1. How thankful are you for your family and friends? -Each year at this time (all the time), I think about how lucky we (Hubby, the kids, and I) are to have such great help from our family and friends. I could not be the mother and teacher that I am without such great support!
On a less serious note...
2. Have you ever had a broken toe? -I don't know that mine is broken, but imagine walking all over a school building with a toe (crammed in a shoe) that was illogically crashed into a door frame. I don't have to imagine it because I've been living it this week! Ouch.
3. Have you ever tried to put tabs in a Bible? -My son's K class requires a NIV Bible with tabs for the Books of the Bible. Tabbing a Bible is not as easy as you may think. First, you have to read the tab directions. Next, measure the size of the pages. Then cut your tab guide to fit. Finally, add one tab to each Book of the Bible. I've been working on this task since Sunday, and I just finished tonight. Yes...that's a photo above of the hard work!
4. Have you thought lately that you are getting old? -Today in my classroom there were some boys that came around to ask if any teachers needed help (lowering tables, etc). So...they were in my room helping when I asked them what grade they were in. Two of them were sophomores and one was a freshman in high school. Man!!! I was sure they were going to say maybe 7th grade!!! Same thing happened to Hubby last weekend. He was helping at our daughter's preschool laying sod on the new playground. There was a kid there helping who Hubby thought was in middle school. Nope--junior in high school. Wow-in some ways it seems like we were just high school students and now...we can't even recognize one!!!
5. Have you ever thought--no one is reading my Blog but me?? -I was thinking just that until tonight when my sister called and said..."I just saw it!" to which I replied..."Just saw what?" Then she said..."Just saw an adult pacifier sign at a QT!" Blogs are great...let me know if you're reading too!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Why am I so tired? I guess I used more energy on my first day back than I anticipated! Can't imagine how I'll feel this time next week when the students' have their 1st day back. To look at my classroom, you wouldn't think I'd been there all day! The first day of preplanning is usually full of meetings, and we had our share today. However, we did have the entire afternoon to work in our classrooms. Most of my work was on the computer preparing letters and other documents for Open House. Here's a photo of Christy, who I work with, in our room. Just look around--not much happening yet! Isn't Open House Thursday?????
Our boy and girl spent the day with their grandparents at the pool today. My mom said they were running and jumping in with their fish floats over and over! I can tell it was a full day because when our girl's head hit the pillow...she was OUT! Our boy was just as tired, but wasn't out as quite as quick as his sister.
Speaking of our girl, she is ready for school! She has been asking me everyday..."Do we go to school today?" On Sunday, she said..."Do we got to school today after church?" I'm glad we signed her up for preschool 5 days a week. She doesn't start for 2 more weeks.
Hubby just came in from outside. He usually tries to get in some exercise after the kids get to bed, but lightening and a metal bike don't mix! Oh my!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
The summer is officially over...
Well, summer's over for me. Tomorrow is back to school for preplanning. I always love this time of year, but it seems to have gotten here fast! If you're in education, you know how much time and sweat goes into the week of preplanning. If you're not in education, then let me just tell you...lots of time and sweat go into preplanning! I'm moving to a new school this year, and that means extra time/sweat! However, it is one of my favorite parts of the year.
Today at church there was a couple sitting behind us who has a child that will be attending the school where I'll be teaching. The husband asked me..."Are you nervous or are you just an old hag?" Well, I responded..."I guess I'm an old hag!" This year will be my 12th year teaching. Where does the time go? I don't really get nervous now about the beginning of school, but I'm just as excited this year as I was my 1st year teaching. The busiest day of the week will be Thursday because that is our day for Open House to meet the students and their families.
Two funny thoughts for the day...
1. Today we drove by a QT gas station. The advertisement outside in the parking lot said "An Adult's Pacifier," and it had a photo of corn dogs! Be sure to check out a QT near you for a good chuckle. It sure was funny to Brian and me today. I so wished that I had my camera to include a photo in this post.
2. Friday night I went to get takeout at a Chinese restaurant. The restaurant had II after the name (like it is the 2nd restaurant). So, I was talking to the girl working there, and asked her where the 1st restaurant was located. She tells me that it is closed because it was in a "rough area," and the owner decided to close that location after the owner of dry-cleaner's located next door to the restaurant was "off-ed." OK, so the just of this story is NOT by any means funny...but did she just say "off-ed"??????????????
Today at church there was a couple sitting behind us who has a child that will be attending the school where I'll be teaching. The husband asked me..."Are you nervous or are you just an old hag?" Well, I responded..."I guess I'm an old hag!" This year will be my 12th year teaching. Where does the time go? I don't really get nervous now about the beginning of school, but I'm just as excited this year as I was my 1st year teaching. The busiest day of the week will be Thursday because that is our day for Open House to meet the students and their families.
Two funny thoughts for the day...
1. Today we drove by a QT gas station. The advertisement outside in the parking lot said "An Adult's Pacifier," and it had a photo of corn dogs! Be sure to check out a QT near you for a good chuckle. It sure was funny to Brian and me today. I so wished that I had my camera to include a photo in this post.
2. Friday night I went to get takeout at a Chinese restaurant. The restaurant had II after the name (like it is the 2nd restaurant). So, I was talking to the girl working there, and asked her where the 1st restaurant was located. She tells me that it is closed because it was in a "rough area," and the owner decided to close that location after the owner of dry-cleaner's located next door to the restaurant was "off-ed." OK, so the just of this story is NOT by any means funny...but did she just say "off-ed"??????????????
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Ready for a rest
Today was a "Day of Fun." We went shopping and ate lunch with the kids' "E" (their aunt). We had all intentions of buying a Webkinz cat today, but it didn't work out that way. We even had a Webkinz in our hands ready to buy at a store on the sqaure in Covington, and then our boy announced..."I want to buy that same Webkinz at Cracker Barrel." What?? So, we even drove by a Cracker Barrel tonight and he decided he'd rather look at toys at Wal-Mart with his friend Connor. cat again today. Works for me.
After our "Day of Fun," the kids took a much needed nap. I took advantage of the quiet time, and made the rest mat cover. It looks like a long pillow case. In fact, I even looked at a pillow case for the logistics of how to make it. Our boy seems to like it, and it was easy to make. His mat is a KinderMat X-thick. I bought 1.5 yards of the striped fabric and .5 yard of the trim fabric with balls. I also bought blue ribbon with white polka-dots that is between the 2 fabrics to add detail. I reinforced the seams with a zigzag stich, and by the way our boy was testing it out-I'm glad I did! I'm also including a photo of our girl in the other pair of capri pants I made her. With back-to-work/school approaching, I think my sewing will be on hold for now.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Let's try this again...'s the new blog...Three Sweet Teas and Me-that sums up our family in a Southern-kind-of-way. My sister says that the new Blog name sounds like we need some banjos playing in the background, but I like it! Hubby and both of our kids like to drink sweet tea, but I'm an unsweet tea-kind-of-girl---so, there you go!
Today was my official last day of summer. It's back to school for me on Monday. Wow-that was quick! To celebrate, the kids and I met Hubby for lunch. On the way home, I saw a sign for a yard sale. I thought "that might be fun." So, the kids and I checked it out. Well, all we saw was a lot of junk that needed to go to the dump, but the lady said "We also have free kittens" before we left. Did someone say "free kittens" in front of my 5 year old and 3 year old???? Oh my! I graciously declined, but I haven't heard about anything else from my son for the rest of the day/night except for about getting a kitten. So finally tonight after much coaxing, my son agreed that he would settle for a Webkinz kitten until he was old enough to get his own cat. Whew!
I went tonight to buy fabric for a new sewing project-a cover for my son's nap mat for Kindergarten. Yes...Kindergarten...we're going to have a Kindergartener...I'm doing better about this upcoming milestone than Hubby! In the past week, I've sewn 2 pairs of pants for my daughter, curtains for my classroom, and now I'm on the the rest mat cover. I brought home the fabric telling my son I was finally sewing something for him. He was so excited, and asked me to sew pants for him like I did for his sister. Ummm...that's a big NO! I don't think kids would be too nice to him if they saw him wearing pants made of the fabric I bought.
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