Dining Room-have 2 panels on a rod with original fabric that I posted about earlier--bought this rust/red fabric to add to top?, bottom has original print, and there's "ball" trim at the middle seam. I'm still trying to decide on this plan!
Front entrance-padded cornice board covered with green silkish fabric

Family room-Make curtains that come to a point. On the front side: stripe, back side: solid red/rust

This one below is the shape I'm envisioning with the point for the family room. Thanks Elaine!

Breakfast area-scallop trumpet valence (bottom right pattern from the patterns that I posted about earlier)-front: print, back: same solid red/rust that will be used in the family room

Here's the best part of the day:

Yes...it's a ShamWOW! Have you seen the commercial for it?? I said "SHAMWOW" soooooo many times that my sister gave in and bought it for us. We split the pack so we each get to say "Wow" when we try it! Now our family has talked my sister into buying 2 "As Seen on TV" products-first a Snuggi and now a ShamWOW! It's awesome (at least that's what a lady at the store told us when she saw us picking ours up)! I'll let you know!