
Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday

Wow-what a beautiful, perfect day for Easter! We celebrated at church and then at my sister's place for lunch. We were lucky to have both sets of grandparents and aunts together to celebrate. It was a fun, full day. Here are some pics:
At church by the Flower Cross:

Hubby and me at my sister's place (after a slight stress-attack at lunch with 2 spilled drinks within a 3-minute period):
Our daughter with a FULL basket (with hand on hip--no doubt):
Our son with a new strategy--put your basket in a central location--pick up as many eggs as you can hold--deposit in basket--repeat:

Kids with their great-grandmothers:
Kids with my parents:
I have a great pic of the kids' other set of grandparents too, but I'm holding out for special permission from T to post. How 'bout it T?? It would look great right
Thanks E for a great party:

Oh yeah...about my Strawberry Pretzel really has a mind of it's own...every time it comes out different...mine didn't congeal this time! I had to put the strawberry/jell-o combo on at the last minute so we wouldn't have soggy pretzels...didn't stop me from having 2 servings at lunch and some for dinner too! The runny mixture made me think of my late grandfather. He once made blackberry jam that didn't set-up...did that stop him from enjoying it? No way...mixed it with some vodka for a cocktail...and there you go!
Hope you had a wonderful Easter too!

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