We've been out of our house since the last time I posted. The fumes from the floors were too much...so we've been at my parents' house, Hubby's parents' house, and my sister's house (just the kids at E's house) over the last several days.
So...it's 10:32pm at our house right now...and Hubby and I are at home while the kids are at E's house. What's going on here? Painting...of course (and some blogging too).
Hubby is painting one wall in our family room to test the color. It's a color that his parents painted their house. It's also the color their neighbors used. And...the color of a friend's house that Aunt T reminded me about, right Aunt T?

It's Duron's Tobacco Road...a pretty popular color if you google it. Just saw it at the Nesting Place.

I think the color is going to warm up our house with the new floors. What do you think?

Paint fumes added to floor fumes--good idea...right? OK...so Hubby got the one test wall painted...and now he's in the garage painting trim. Check it out...

Lights, paint brush...action! See our sofa in the pic to the left? That's right--still have furniture everywhere!
On a sorta sad note...look what I found in the floors tonight...A hair sealed right into the floor! Oh me...all that good wiping with my cheesecloth...and I left a hair! Hubby said 2 things...#1 "at least it wasn't a gray hair...it would have really shown up"--NICE and #2 "it will wear out eventually." Well...I won't tell where the mystery hair is located...maybe I'll be the only one to see it...daily!

You guys have so much energy! Looks great!!
Thanks girl...remember these projects started back in January! Had to get floors done before we could paint...It's time to put the pedal to the metal now!
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