Meanwhile--thankfully he has lots of drop-cloths to put on the sub flooring with the kids running around. See the wood on the left--you can also see it under our bed, in the dining room, behind our sofa, and any other nook or cranny you can find--it's getting acclimated, you know.
Here's where he started...he was planning to start in the family room because that wall has the fewest obstructions (can you tell I'm learning a lot about floors too), but after looking at how the existing wood floors were done--he decided to start in this small hallway with lots of obstructions--5 doorways to be exact! You cannot imagine how long it took to get these pieces just right--he was analyzing it and analyzing it to make sure his first rows would be straight--so all the rest of it would be straight! I'm telling you--it took hours at this step. He even wanted to take the baseboard off on the starting wall to make sure it was straight. So after he finally got it right yesterday (we're pretty sure it's right)...he went to rent the nailer today. 

He worked from about 1pm until about 7:30pm, and here's what's done--the small hallway! Wow--who knew it was this time-consuming. Hopefully, tomorrow will be faster--with fewer doorways and such. Doesn't it look great?--send him some love with a post comment!
The next big decision is--what color are we going to stain it? I don't think we have 5 years to decide! We're thinking a medium brown.
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