Below is the place we stayed the first night. I'll spare you a picture of the inside! It really wasn't bad, but it was nothing fancy! The reason we booked a night there is because this place had a deal which included: 2 hours of bike rentals, 2 hours of boat/canoe rentals, free admission to the gardens, one free round of golf, one hour of tennis, and use of the fitness center.

Hubby and I got married in 1999, but we started dating in 1992. This trip was fun because I don't think we've ever riden bikes together and I know we've never canoed together. So...we tried new things together!
We had the best time on the lake searching for turtles. They are more clever than you'd soon as we approached...they'd stop sunning and start swimming:
Below is a pic of the inside of our room for the second night--much nicer!! Twice the price of the first night...this room rate included a nice breakfast.

We saw lots of nature, and spent lots of time outdoors.

We also got some neat ideas.

We saw lots of nature, and spent lots of time outdoors.

We also got some neat ideas.
Using broken pots for labels for plants:
Making a living picture frame:
How about planting our own pumpkins hoping to save some cash on pumpkins in the fall? Nana and Papa--is it too late to add pumpkins to your garden??

Megan--we saw these weiner dogs for sale at the gift shop at the Bulloch House in Warm Springs!

We ate good at the Bulloch House...fried chicken! They also had 2 items we usally don't see--fried fat back--I'm not even kidding!!! and also fried quail---the poor things with their whole-little-selves all fried up like that! Here's Hubby after dinner...

We ate good at the Bulloch House...fried chicken! They also had 2 items we usally don't see--fried fat back--I'm not even kidding!!! and also fried quail---the poor things with their whole-little-selves all fried up like that! Here's Hubby after dinner...

I had a houseplant like this one (so pretty, varegated on top of leaves, purple on the bottom of the leaves) around the time we got engaged:

Thank you so, so much to our family for helping with the kids while we were away!! You are appreciated!
Looks like you guys had a great time!! Congratulations!! We are celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary this year as well next month!! :) Allison
I'm so glad that you got away for the weekend. You deserve it. I've stayed at the first hotel before!!!
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