
Sunday, January 3, 2010


Our son does NOT like to write. This summer I had the kids keep a journal to remember our out-of-school events, but I haven't encouraged them to keep them up since school started. I was working on organizing clothes in the drawers and closets in the kids' rooms (can you believe the organization around here??). As I was working, the kids were playing together nicely. Then I started hearing them get out paper and pens to write not-so-nice notes about each other.

They wrote and wrote...and hung them all over the house. Here are two of their notes and lots of notes that Hubby collected tonight for the trash:
I know they are hard to see, but this one below is from our son to our daughter: "You are going to jail. 2" He said the '2' means that he was really made at her?!?!?!?
This one below is from our daughter to our son: "You are fired." Then she drew a picture of him in jail below her words. I like how the cell is on wheels! :)

Well...I am glad that they were writing today!
Posts on Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3 of January....check! Amy C. had a great idea to start a post close to midnight...then the post can count for 2 days! Love it! I should have made use of that plan over the past couple of nights, but's back to getting up early. Christmas break is over--no more staying up late and sleeping in for me! There will be Kindergarten students coming back to my classroom eager to share their Christmas Break adventures. I'm ready--all except the getting up early!

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