Sunday, January 31, 2010
A new cheer
Each week the girls learn new cheers. Here's a video of our girl doing one of the new cheers from this week:
"Down the court, threw the hoop, swish, swish, swish!"
Blog Snafu
Friday, January 29, 2010
QU Wedding
Here's the bride with Hubby and me pre-ceremony:

Ready for the wedding:

Walking down the aisle:

The vows:

Mr. and Mrs. QU:

The wedding party:

The proud Mama with the bride:

The proud Daddy with the bride:

WooHoo!! Will there be dancing at the reception?

The flowers that my mom and I made for her. She picked them out from Publix! They did turn out much better than when we first started:

Look Aunt T: she wore the tiara you gave her. She's saying, "Ouch" here because her shoe rubbed a blister on her foot.

Wedding Day Secrets:
dress=$7 from Goodwill+dry cleaning cost, I had to take it in a little on sides/straps
veil=$9.99 from Hobby Lobby
tiara=gift from aunt
shoes=$16 from Payless
flowers=$8 from Publix + $6 for holder from Hobby Lobby
Day as a Bride for Pre-K QU Wedding=priceless

Thursday, January 28, 2010
I'm not quitting my day job!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
New blog to follow
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Beef Strogan-off
The good news is that Hubby and our boy liked it! Oh...and our girl...she was happy with just the noodles.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Church Luncheon--you gotta love it!
Here's a look at Hubby's plate...and our girl's too:

Here's our boy and my sister:

Our boy said that this lunch was the BEST lunch ever! My sister said we should start a reality TV show traveling around to different covered-dish luncheons at churches! What do you think--would you like to be cast?
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Basketball and Dresses

Our boy is getting better each Hubby decided he needed a new ball for home. Can you tell he likes it? He's holding it while watching TV on the floor:

Friday, January 22, 2010
End of 2nd Week Weigh-In
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Happy 100th Day of School
Me and the kids on the 100th day...I got a new fancy old lady costume for this year...Granny done glammed up this year compared to last year:

I let our girl put on some blush, mascara, and lipstick. She was sooooooooooooooo excited:

Look--even Zero the Hero made an appearance for the 100th Day: I almost forgot to post about the funniest part of the day! First thing this morning when our boy saw me dressed as a 100 year old...he was not quite sure. He said..."Mama...I know that's you." He must have said it 5 times. He even pointed to one of my freckles, and said..."See is you!" I reassured him saying "'s me...hear my're is me."
So then finally...everyone was ready to get out the door to leave for school. I just had put on my "mink"--borrowed from my 93 year-old grandmother. Then our boy says, " did you get that OLD smell on you?" which I pointed to my mink and replied..."It's this thing." Nice.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
MLK Day "On"
Here's Hubby and the kids during sign-in time in one of the school's trailers:
My sister and the kids before starting work:
The rotten apples and watermelons waiting for their new compost area:
Me and Hubby:
Our girl trimming shrubs:
Seriously...who is this???? I think it's Dank Smith--fo sho!
Our boy with my sister on mulch duty covering the mud:
Shovels can be dangerous...our boy accidently hit a girl with his shovel. He felt really bad, and we didn't even have to say..."I told you so." Even though we had been telling him to keep his shovel low.
Spreading grass clippings on mud...we ran out of mulch:
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Manual Labor
Monday, January 18, 2010
More to Come
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Gearing Up
Check it should sign up too!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Hair I went to get my hair "trimmed." When I left, I just knew I'd been scalped just like my childhood friend. Thankfully, when I got home and washed my hair is not scalped after all.
It is funny how when you do your own hair it looks totally different than when you leave the salon. Sometimes it looks better when you do it yourself and sometimes it looks worse! I'm glad it was for the better today!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Friday Weigh-In and Friday Night Funny
The funniest thing happened tonight when I was playing "Opposite Memory," a memory card game, with the kids. Our girl is REALLY good at memory; my son and me...not so good at it. So...after the first round...our boy left the table crying because his 5 year-old sister dominated us.
(Side note: We had an extra card of a Walrus that belongs to another game mixed in with our Opposite Memory cards. I kept saying...what's the opposite of Walrus??? The crazy part is that I kept turning that same 'ol Walrus card over almost every time without even knowing it--knowing that it wasn't even a card for our game!!!)
For round 2, we left the Walrus out of the game. This time it was just me and the girl playing. Our boy moseyed up about half-way through the game and slipped the Walrus card back into our game. Then he moved the Walrus card in the middle of the other cards trying to get us to unknowingly turn it over.
So...then our boy asks to have a turn. He said..."I'll just let it count for Mama's turn." So guess which card he unknowingly turned over first!?!!?!?!?!??! THE WALRUS!!!! Can you believe the irony????? I actually thought he turned it over on purpose to give us a laugh, but no...he unknowingly turned it over! He cried and cried... and was soooooooooooooooooo mad that me and the girl were dying laughing! At first I was laughing because I though he was trying to make us laugh, but then I couldn't stop laughing when I realized he really didn't mean to turn it over!
I have to smile because it reminds me of myself as a child...I ALWAYS cried and ran off when my Dad slipped me the Old Maid card. I might still have tears today if I got slipped the Old Maid...or the Walrus!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Well...that's a first! In all of my 12+ years of teaching, I've had many sweet comments from my students...and some not-so-sweet too! But, this is the first time a student told me that she had her hair cut to be like me! What a sweet, unexpected compliment from this sweet girl!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
I better get ready
On Wednesday nights at church, I help with the children's program. There are three rotations: Bible Zone, crafts, and singing. I assist with the Bible lessons. Tonight the lesson was on when Jesus comes back from Revelation 22. After the lesson, our girl looked at me and said..."Mama, I want Him to come to my house first!" I winked at her and said..."me too."
See what I mean?...I better get ready! What shall I do first?
Here's the "I'm looking for Jesus" projects from tonight (the one of the left is our girl's, the one on the right is our boy's):

On other note, the computer teacher at school today came up to me to tell me something our boy said in class. She said she put a new program up on the board to introduce to the kids, and our boy was excited and said..."I LOVE this game" Then followed up saying, "I've never played it before." She said she laughed out loud, and then told him that she wanted to be more like him-excited about life!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I'm In
Monday, January 11, 2010
To Weigh or Not To Weigh?
Tomorrow our school starts it's Annual Biggest Loser Competition. You may remember that I did participate last year. You may also remember that I lost 14 pounds last year. Well...honestly...I weighed in the first week with boots and a heavy sweater...and on my final weigh-in I didn't wear shoes and took off anything I could before I I probably really only lost about 10 pounds.'s the thing...I've gained back most of it...not all of it... but most of it! Enough that my pants don't fit as comfortably...sad, but true.
So...I guess it'll be a game time decision...will I join the competition or not? Hmmmmmmmmm
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010
She did it!
Our boy is playing basketball too...and Hubby is the coach. Here's our boy and Hubby on the court for the game:
The kids were up early--way too early for a cold Saturday morning in my opinion! We had to arrive at the gym by 8:15 for pictures. Our car said 14 degrees on the way to the gym, and we're NOT used to that down South!!! But, the kids looked ready by the time we arrived:
It's soooooooooooooooooooooo hard to see your family in orange and blue when you bleed Red and Black!! Remember--Hubby and I met at UGA! I don't think I've EVER seen Hubby wear orange and blue. He won't even stack our Ikea bowls in the cabinet with the orange next to the blue...I kid you not! See for yourself:
See what you will do for your kids! I know...all that orange and's a little hard to swallow!
This pic above makes me smile and makes me happy orange and blue will be our colors...until March anyway!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Ready to Cheer!
My sister and I never cheered growing this is all new to me. Our girl is so excited about it:

She told her Daddy that she "didn't want all those people looking at her." So...we'll see if she actually cheers at her first game. Here's one of her cheers that she did for me this morning:
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Christmas Wonderland
Her new "Chocolate Delite" tree: